12 Ways To Make Yourself Feel Better When You're Down
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Feeling down is no fun, but it’s something we have all experienced at one time or another. If you’re not the kind of person who likes feeling down and doesn’t want to wallow in self-pity (not that that’s what everybody who feels down is doing), then there are a few things you can try to make yourself feel better.
Below, you’ll find 12 ideas to perk you up a little when you feel down.
- Get It All Out
You can’t squash your feelings and pretend they don’t exist - so don’t. Get them all out instead! Go to the top of a secluded space and scream. Shout. Let it all out! You could even do this into a pillow at your home, but it’s usually far more satisfying if you can do it at the top of a hill or somewhere you can really shout. Just try not to scare people if there are others nearby.
- Journal About It
Journaling is a very powerful practice. It can be difficult to get into at first, but journaling for just a few minutes every day could help you to get some of that stuff out of your mind, onto the page, and into perspective. You might even come up with solutions to some of your problems this way when you have them all laid out for you.
You can journal in any way you want, and there are quite a few ways you can do it. For example:
- Write a sentence or a few sentences that sum up your day.
- Write 5 things you are grateful for each day.
- Write 5 great things that happened to you that day.
- Try freewriting, where you don’t censor or edit yourself and you just write. It doesn’t have to make sense!
- Write down your day as you would like it to go in the morning. This is like a visualization technique. Just make sure you don’t say ‘I want X to happen’. Say, ‘X has happened’. Putting it into the present tense will help you to feel more hopeful!
- Go Hard With Your Self-Care
When you’re feeling down there’s no better time to get into self-care. Only you know what you truly need, and only you can give it to yourself. Self-care comes in many forms. For instance:
- Taking a hot bath with all of the extras and just luxuriating in it.
- Making yourself a delicious meal and enjoying every bite.
- Drinking 2 liters of water per day and avoiding anything that makes you feel bloated.
- Meditating for 10 minutes each day.
- Stretching in the morning.
- Any type of exercise.
- Turning off all of your devices and disconnecting for a while.
As you can see, you have plenty of options!
- Take A Walk
Walking is a hugely underrated exercise. Not only is it better for the joints than running, it also helps to burn fat more effectively. That’s not the point, though; walking is such a healthy thing to do. Getting plenty of steps each day is linked to living a longer life. You will improve plenty of aspects of your health, both physical and mental. There’s nothing quite like getting out of the house and just taking a walk. You can enjoy nature, be alone with your thoughts, listen to podcasts and audiobooks - whatever you want.
It’s important to get out into the sun each day, too, even if it’s just for a short time. This is something many people don’t actually do, and it’s why a lot of people are Vitamin D deficient. Sun and fresh air is a great way to nurture your body!
- Call A Friend
You know what they say, ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’. Why not reach out to a friend? You might feel like a burden, or like you don’t want to be vulnerable, but sometimes this is the only way to see that you’re not alone.
It can be difficult because many people don’t know how to handle their own emotions, let alone yours. Choose somebody you trust to listen to and support without judgment.
- Experiment With Your Style
Now could be a time to have a little fun with your style. You could try a new pair of Oakley glasses for women, a new lipstick shade, or a new hairstyle. If you’re going through a really hard time then it’s probably not a good idea to do anything drastic to your hair (at least until you feel better).
- Accept Where You Are Without Judgement
You don’t need to ‘keep busy’ or to try to force yourself to feel a way other than the way you feel. The human experience is supposed to be layered and rich, so just try to accept your feelings and where you are. Do not judge yourself. Acceptance is extremely powerful.
- Plan Something Fun
Plan something fun to look forward to. Get your friends together and plan to go to a roller skating rink, or get a ton of paints out and paint a mural on your wall. Do whatever brings you the most joy!
- Watch Something Hilarious
Watch something that makes you laugh without fail. Laughter is often the best medicine.
- Make A Vision Board
A vision board is another wonderful visualization technique. You can create it in any way you like. You can print out pictures, use images from magazines - anything. Find some card or paper big enough and apply the pictures that speak to you. Where do you want to be by the end of the year? Use this as an opportunity to make exciting plans for yourself. Dare to dream the impossible, too!
- Take A Mental Health Day
Perhaps you want to make sure you’re productive while you feel this way. It might be best to take a mental health day instead. Mental health days are extremely important, so make sure you’re honest with yourself if you need one.
- Take A Dog For A Walk
If you have a dog, great! Spend the day bonding with them. If not, borrow one from a friend or shelter. Walking and petting a dog can have a profound effect on your mood.