
5 Reasons to Start Thinking About Winter Even Though It’s Still Summer

Friday, June 30, 2017

There’s no such thing as being too prepared. One of the things that people don’t do enough in the world is preparing for the next seasonal shift. People don’t really think about summer during the winter and vice versa, but there are plenty of advantages to doing so. From saving money to saving your life, here are five reasons why you should start thinking about the winter even though it’s still summer.

1. You can save a lot of money preparing for winter now

Money is always on our minds, hence why we love saving it. Who doesn’t love a fantastic 50% off discount? And who would miss out on buy one get one free deals? Summer is the perfect time to start buying up all your necessary winter items because, as mentioned before, no one cares about the winter when they’re enjoying the sun. Whether it’s a quality down pillow to keep yourself comfortable during the cold winter nights or sacks of wood to fuel your fireplace, it’s a good time to bulk-buy some of your most-used winter necessities. Take a look around and you’ll find some fantastic deals. As long as you have the storage space to keep your winter supplies, you should start buying up all the things you’ll need to brave the cold season.

Repairs and maintenance can also be a lot cheaper during the summer. It’s not uncommon for local companies raise prices a little bit to meet with demand. Once it reaches the end of autumn and people are starting to become concerned with the weather, they’ll start calling contractors to maintain or fix their boilers, fill in the cracks by their windows and siding to reduce drafts, or even consult a mechanic on which winter tires to purchase. Whether it’s typical items or services, they’re usually much cheaper during the summer.

2. Holidays are a lot cheaper during the winter

Holidays are also cheaper when they’re planned for the winter. This is because most people don’t go on holiday during the winter season. They prefer to stay at home with their families to celebrate Christmas and the new year. Very few people actually decide to go abroad to celebrate these annual occasions, meaning you can often find some fantastic deals on travel websites if you plan ahead. If you want a special winter this year, then why not start looking at holiday deals now so you can get those low early bird prices?

A unique holiday experiences during winter is to travel south of the equator to destinations like Australia or New Zealand. Because they’re on the opposite side of the earth, their Christmas involves beach parties and barbeques instead of sitting at home wrapped in blankets. It’s definitely something that you have to try at least once in your life due to how unique and strange it is, but make sure you plan ahead so you can get the best prices for travel. Destinations that promote the winter wonderland image, such as Finland or Canada, are usually a little more expensive because they’re snowy, cold locations that really define the word “winter”. However, they can still be cheaper if you’re willing to book early.

3. You don’t want to be caught in a tough situation with your way of life

Let’s face it, the last thing we want is to have the home cluttered during winter. Not only does it block the central heating from spreading around the room, it’s difficult to tidy up your home when your hands are freezing and there’s a breeze blowing in from every window because you neglected to fill the cracks. In addition, you don’t want issues popping up such as the boiler breaking when it’s the coldest point of the season. Make sure you get everything in order before the cold months arrive.

You can do this by writing down a list of things that you actually make use of during the winter. Your boiler is perhaps one of the most important ones, but you should also think about things like your car, your garden or your bike. Your car is going to need winter tires if the roads near, you can get frosty. You should consult your car manual for advice on your tires or you could visit your local mechanic and ask them. If you have a garden that you take great care of, then you probably already have a bunch of refuse sacks ready to collect wilting plants and you might have a plan ready for when the frost takes over your lawn. Whatever you do, think about how the winter can affect your current way of life and prepare for it by planning countermeasures.

4. Summer is the perfect time for home renovations

Since your kids don’t have school and you can afford to take time off work (assuming you still have some holiday days left!) it’s the perfect time for renovating your home. Simply get the kids to visit some relatives for a while, then bring the contractors in. Your kids won’t be there to whine about the noise or that they can’t use the toilet because it’s being replaced, and this enables you to get the renovation works done in less time and with fewer complications.

Some common home renovations to think about are replacing your curtains with thicker varieties to block drafts, sealing any cracks or holes in your home to prevent rodents from getting in, and clearing out your gutter so that it doesn’t clog when winter arrives. It’s also a good time to fix any warped shingles or loose tiles on your roof, but make sure you hire a trained professional to do the work or at least call a friend or two to help you. You might also think about clearing out the garage so that you can store your vehicle inside instead of in the driveway. This will prevent your car from being smothered in snow when you wake up, and it means you don’t have to worry about cold starting your vehicle.

5. Get an emergency kit ready for rough times

There’s nothing worse than being snowed-in or losing electricity due to heavy snowfall or adverse weather conditions. Make sure that you prepare an emergency kit that has enough supplies to last you for a few days. This is especially important if your area is prone to heavy snowstorms. They can easily knock out power, topple trees or even lock you in your home. Make sure you have plenty of rock salt ready to melt the sea, so you can actually get out of your home, keep some candles handy in case the power is knocked out, and stock up on plenty of blankets and food if you live far away from the nearest grocery store.

Building an emergency kit really depends on your family’s needs. Some people go as far as to prepare a backup generator to provide electricity in a worst-case scenario, but others are fine with just some de-icer and a couple of extra blankets. Make sure that you stock up early and keep your supplies handy in your home so it’s easy to access them. With some luck, you shouldn’t need to use them, but it never hurts to prepare an emergency kit.

Final Words

While some people might think it’s a little too early to think about winter, you can never be too prepared for adverse situations. Ensure you’re ready for the cold, get your holiday dates booked, and enjoy the winter with fewer complications and annoyances.

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