
Spring Will Come?

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Gazing out the window to a 7 inches of snow in March. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?Don't get me wrong, I love winter, I love the cold, love the coat. But its been a long, cold winter and I definitely would love to get some sunshine ;) Don't you agree with me? (wink wink). Spring time is always beautiful and finally it’s coming. Flowers are beginning to bloom, squirrels and rabbits are coming out of their nests, the weather’s getting warmer, and people are beginning to do outdoor activities more often. From my room window that overlooks the street I can see people jogging, walking their dogs, or just chatting on the cell. They seem to enjoy the sunshine and the nice weather everyday. Well, me too. I love the weather at this time of the year and the autumn season. (I hate summer, can't stand the freaking heat)

I know Spring will come and its almost here.

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  1. i hope too that spring come soon ,,,its too long cold for the winter...

  2. No winter in Malaysia :(

  3. I would love to be cold, my BF is in London, and he love the cold. I want cold too.

  4. ...You're effing kidding me. I don't want Spring to come! Not at all! Go away Spring! Don't ever enter New York. Know why I don't want it to come? >>; Because Spring = ALLERGIES.

  5. Hey Elena, I gotcha. I might have allergies too, who knows? :) I just, can't wait for the sunshine and zoo again. :)

  6. Zoo sounds good. I go to the zoo during the summer though. :P You get the best workout during that season.

    Didn't your doctor say you got allergies? I just don't think you're allergic to pollen. So you'll be fine during Spring, I think.

  7. I'm gonna wait for my blood test come out, then I know what kind of allergies I have O.o I don't think is pollen either.

  8. I don't like winter,it is too cold for me:)

  9. can't wait till Spring


Quote to Live By

"Not all those who wander are lost."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

Carpe Diem

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