
A Day In Life

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

>.<" I am tired and grumpy. My eye's hurt, isn't this is the flu fun? 9 Hours of work in the law firm, thought i was suppose went to the Immigration Court, it turns out I didn't. (It would be great If i could got some walking). 43 Fahrenheit, chilly. My room is cold, as usual. Tired day and moodless. As soon I came back from work, my landlord were like:" Jessica, let's take a picture with the cat, I'm gonna bring it to Walgreen tomorrow!" then I'm just like, hmn.. okay. i sat on the couch for half and hour; when she clicked on the shutter button, i was missing my room. Things just not going well as I plan, I'm struggling with the flu, the cold, the midterm, the money, the weight, the food, the plan.. argh. I finished work at 7:30, spent 15 minutes in Duane Reade, 30 minutes in Sephora, another 20 minutes walking in Soho. 40 minutes of Subway, 20 minutes of bus, 1 minute reach home after my stop.... Gotta shout out! ARHHHHH! It just October, not even Halloween yet. It's really cold. Its even colder without a warm human blanket. My eyes hurt. My head hurts. And now I want a glass of warm soy milk, which I don't have any. Maybe just a pause, give me a pause, it might be great. Give me a hug! I deserve a warm hug!

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  1. I am with you, by all means. We'll rock the world together, don't we? These bad days will go away!

  2. It happened, most of the time. I had a bad week, I was separated from the one I love. Life is tough, but we moved on. You'll get through this. The next day you woke up in the morning, you'll realize how naive you were. :)

  3. It is def silly cold out there. I hope this is no indicator of the rest of the winter. Feel better and less stressfull soon. On a side note hugs rock.


Quote to Live By

"Not all those who wander are lost."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

Carpe Diem

carpe diem
