
Food Log - The Ship Restaurant

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Our next destination after kek Lok Si were Batu Ferringi. Thanks to Anson for bringing us to a wonderful restaurant in town, The Ship! After 30 minutes we reached, we lost direction, keep on getting back to the same road 2 or 3 times. But finally we were so happy to see the ship, it was kind of disappointed because I thought the ship is in the water! But never mind, it's turn out great!

What about The Ship? The Ship is a romantic restaurant serve up a wide variety of western food. The place resembles a an hull of a ship and the serving staff are dressed like the crews in maritime uniform.

The Ship serve the reputation of serving The Best Steak In Town, which essentially was the great food, well served under a unique decorative setting and on top of that all prices are value for money. The unique exterior of its restaurant resemble an almost life-size hull of a ship, and on stepping inside one will be impressed with the finely recreated likeness of a sea-going vessel.

Their food choice is extensive, ranging from appetizer, soup-chowder, seafood, steak, salad, poultry, stone grill, desserts to Chinese cuisine. It took us quite a bit of time to make up our mind on what to order.

The restaurant and the bar section

The Ship's menu ~ The Best Steak In Town

The lousy girl - Before we order our lunch ~

Hmn .... After a long walk, drinks and food always sounds good!

My favorite - Chicken !

I recommended The Ship Restaurant, best place to enjoy nice music and great food to taste!

Address : 69-B, Jalan Batu Feringghi, 11000 Penang. View Map
Office Tel : 604 - 8813870
Restaurant Tel : 604 - 8812142
Fax : 604 - 8812370
Email : gary@theship.com.my

Restaurant Manager : Mr. Gary Tan
Restaurant Business Hour : Monday - Sunday (12:00pm - 1:00am)

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  1. hmm..i only pass by that place...
    didn't go there ..
    maybe i should next time..

  2. seems like u having a good time going here n there... geezz. u got a life there gal... =p

  3. wow havent been to penang in ages, but i doubt the ship would be a destination for me, since they have it here in KL, mine would be the normal local foodstalls, gurney drive especially

  4. nice place.. i will write down to my memory... next time will go there... ;)

  5. Im from Penang. But now in Kuching la... Good to see you visiting batu ferringi :P


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"Not all those who wander are lost."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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