Want To Reinvent Your Bathroom? How You Can Do It
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
A bathroom is one of those rooms in your home that can add serious value, especially when you take the time to ensure that you make the right decisions for design and implementation. However, it is also a room in your home that you can retire to after a particularly stressful day. Running a bath, filling it with warming water and your favourite bubble bath and scent. Lighting the candles, popping a towel on the radiator to warm and enjoying one of your favourite drinks. Champagne, anyone? Sounds like heaven, doesn’t it? However, a bathroom can be a true nightmare for some, and can certainly be on your list of home improvement jobs to do. Which is why I thought I would share with you some of the ways you can reinvent your bathroom.
Think about what you want from your bathroom
One of the first things to consider when deciding to revamp your bathroom is to think about exactly what you want from it. Do you use your bathroom solely to get washed and dressed? Do you like the idea of creating a relaxing environment? Do like to take baths or are you more of a shower person? These are all the questions to ask yourself, so you truly know what you want from your bathroom. After all, you could potentially be investing a lot of money into this, and so it is worth making sure that you get what you want from the makeover and revamp.
How much space and budget do you have?
The next thing to mull over would be how much space you have. Not everyone has the luxury of a big bathroom, and often the room itself can be on the small side. Only managing to squeeze in the bare essentials. However, a builder or expert might be able to move things around and make the room a much more useable space, so don’t feel deterred if you feel you don’t have much room as often it could just need a tweak in the layout and design. The next thing to decide upon would be how much money you have to spend. There is no hiding from the fact that a bathroom revamp is going to cost some money, and the more you want to do, the more expensive the job will be.
Choose your bathroom suite wisely
Now comes the fun bit, the choosing of your bathroom suite. Now you have a better indication on the size of room, the layout and of course, your budget, you can now go bathroom shopping and enjoy sampling all the different designs and options available. Will you go for a standalone shower and separate bath option? This when perusing elegant freestanding bathtubs could be on the agenda. Or perhaps you like the idea of practicality with a shower over the bath option and decent vanity unit filled with storage options. It is completely up to you what you decide to go for, and while it can be fun, it can also leave you with quite the decision to make about what might be the best way to go. If in doubt, why not bring someone along with you to provide an alternative opinion?
It’s all about the color choices
You have chosen your bathroom suite, so now it's time to think about a theme and color scheme. Many people opt for a white bathroom suite which means that you can decide on an array of color options to suit your own taste and personality. Another element to consider would be how you plan to decorate the bathroom. Will you be thinking about tiles or splashbacks? Maybe having a wall that isn’t tiled that can be painted or used to display pictures or prints. A You also might need to think about how you plan to use the bathroom. For example, if you like the idea of relaxation the neutral or calming colors could be the way to go.
How should you accessorize your bathroom?
Finally, how do you plan to accessorize your bathroom? Do you want to have some sort of running theme or choose trinkets and ornaments that you love and simply want to display? Are you going to consider your color pallette with your choice of towels and flannels? Maybe adding some scented candles into the mix. A bathroom can be just as much a room that you style than other locations in your home. It is time to get creative.
I hope that these tips help you to reinvent your bathroom.